Monday, December 19, 2011

Final Paper Numbered

1.)    The title of the program is Supreme Team Reality Show.
2.)    It’s basically five young black African American with different nationalities that go to school, throw events, and also work to maintain money in their pockets. They do big live events such as fashion shows, concerts, and etc.  Just to have money in their pockets so they want depend on their parents or anyone else for money. As we all know we need to money to live our lives and go out etc to start pursuing a career for the real world.  The concept of the show is to show an example an establishment of young people responsibility of life and start to set their goals at a young age.  It shows how students can maintain school, throw events, work, and don’t let it affect with school. Basically the whole meaning of the shows concept is to show people you can get your degree and work too.
  The show also shows the life of each of the members and what their life consist of. For example what else they do besides go to school and throw good events. To throw these events you have to have money but most of them have jobs or gambles on the side. We will discuss that in some of the episodes and the life they life to maintain money. You will also see how much work it takes to plan these events and put things together.  You will see negative and positive aspects of the events. For example money wise. Usually some event coordinators will take a big lost if they don’t make their profit back and you will see that in some of the episodes as I explain later in the paper what the show consist of and describe to you what actually happens.
3.)    For the program and show to be launch we would have to promote ourselves. Go on talk shows, host parties, appear on award shows, and other events such as concerts, charity events, walking in breast cancers walks, doing a lot of advertising in newspapers, magazines, and radio shows.  Make appearances on different college campus, do a big tour, spread the show on social networks, and etc.
4.)    The theme of the show will be base on real life events, comedy, dreams being fulfilled, and reality base on what you can do to pursue your career. This show won’t be boring at all. It will consist of creativeness, excitement, and show you how you can have fun and be serious too.
  The actually show will be consist on like I said before in the beginning of the paper that it will be five African American, that are mix with different nationalities & ethnicities, that are in college, work, throw parties on the side to make actually money, and what they life consist of on a daily basis. The show will have at least 5 episodes just to see how the show builds up from its viewers. The show will show the struggle, the dedication, hard work, responsibilities, perseverance, loyalty, and etc. Also it will gives examples of how young man can be successful in life and what the daily life is. As you see people have different routines on how they go to school, do work, and plan events & actually put them together.
5.)    The format and genre will be with comedy, drama, and also reality to show what it real takes to be successful
6.)    You will see on the show how they aren’t just a team but they are one family. You will see some arguing because one of the members is a rookie and the CEO gets on him a lot about the things that he do and how he doesn’t actually want him on the team but the other members see a lot of potential in him. The CEO starts to be a little lean it towards him because of one of the characters that bring him into the group. Also there will be a part where you see how all the members were before they all met and how one person put together a fantastic team together and that enjoys the work that they are doing. The show also takes place in the state of New Jersey & New York.
  In the show you will see how much time they spent together with each other on different outings and how they aren’t just a team but also a brother hood too. That aren’t willing to make it base on the success they get not just as a group but as individuals too. You will see how the group co exist with each other families, how they meet each other families, and etc. There will be parties’ scenes you see and what type of parties they throw, what type of charity events, and other things too. Throughout the show you will see how they help out each other and especially one of the youngsters that is a rookie to the team and explain to him what they are trying to actually do. You will see the younger person learn but then also start to do is own little thing on the side with throwing parties but with other event coordinators that are being successful in the business and how he grows to be really talented on what he is doing.
   It also shows how the CEO of the team is the first to graduate from college and then starts to do his own thing but still put together things for the team. As you know we will all look out for each other besides ourselves. You will see how one of the members playing poker just to make extra money on the side because he doesn’t have a job and basically that’s job besides event coordination with the team. Then you will also see how some of the members start to get other crafts just to try to save up for the team and have a budget for example the younger person learns how to deejay, another member group learns how to take pictures, learns how to do web design, and put together the website for the team. You will also see some of the anniversary events they put together. Then also in the show some of the members will take a few vacations and visit other states and cities just to expand their cliental; get more connects.
7.)     For the first episode you will see the background and the beginning of the stages how the team is form; they become SUPREME TEAM COOPOERATION. Also how they start their college career and how they start to get full and part time jobs for their own self. They have no clue about the team yet and they haven’t met each other yet. Only two know each other because they went to high school together and were two years apart before graduating. Another two know each other before even the team was form from childhood. So as right now just the background and the underground of the show; the team is form.
   Second episode will take place in Newark NJ at NJIT University. Where it all belongs at before everyone come together and forms this dynamic team. It will show how and when they became friends and started to form that bond. As it continues on as the CEO that starts to form his team and begins his progress to form his brotherhood & who he can trust; giving ideas and vision on what he wants to start. You will also get inside scoop on the ideas they have plan and their whole take on the opportunity of starting this little business they want to do. The show will also have contained an interview with all the team members and give a take on the brother hood they will begin.
  Third episode as the team is form you will see their first actually event of the Supreme Team Era and how it all started. The different ideas they used and what they did to get their client till up. Then on top of that how they begin to build future connects in New York also too. Just show the beginning of the team on the third episode. Then you will see how the team is form and see how the fifth member is recruited to the brotherhood/ team.
   Fourth episode will be base on the fifth member graduating from high school and started to get the hang of the team. He is basically the young one out of the group, starts to learn the ropes around the team, and the foundation they are trying to build. You will see in the episode how the CEO is kind of a little bit not into the whole thing of the new comer but some of the members think it will be a key condition of the team. Then you will see the day to day base and what they consist of. Then you will see how they try to stay consisted on planning different events and trying to establish a real business in the industry of event coordination.
8.)    Fifth and final episode will continue on with the new comer leaving the team for a while and goes away to out of state school but still wants to stay home for a particular reason. Also there will be a part in the show that the new comer of the team and his friend that he is cool with they get into a few debates about a female in particular that the new comer has much love for and want s to be with. Usually in the show you will see the new comer goes to his friend that’s in the show for advice about certain things that take place in his life and he needs help with. The friend always helps him and gives him good advice but sometimes the newcomer always tries to prove him wrong about certain situations.
9.)    The reason why show would be successful because there will be a positive and negative about the show. I will state some reason for my pros and my cons. One pros is my show will get you ready for the real world and give you idea of the business side and how you make your clients happy so will continue coming to your events; supporting what you are trying to accomplish. Another pro it’s educational but with educational comes fun with it. You will have some positive and negative tips of the business side of entertainment. Cons about the show not everyone entertain with education but it just won’t consist of education but the entertainment will come in the show.
 10&11.) In some of my research I have looked up some reality shows that don’t have the concept that I’m trying to put forwarded out there. The apprentice has some examples of basically function a team and doing events putting together certain things for a special occasion. In that show you have teams facing against each other seeing who will do a better job than the other team. Your team loses then you are in the board room and someone is getting fired. A quote from Donald Trump book in his biography is saying "I mean, there's no arguing. There is no anything. There is no beating around the bush. "You're fired" is a very strong term." Donald Trump
   My show won’t consist of you getting fired but basically my show will show the same thing that is in Donald Trump show but in his show it has to do with marketing and real estate. The show I will show be on how you start the next phase after you graduate high school. Then proceed to starting your young adult on your own and finding a business partner or partners that you see yourself working with for a number of years. Apprentice you can learn different things from that show from finance and how you begin your foundation of business to make yourself into cooperation if you think that’s your vision.
  Also the show will have well minded young men that have a vision and see themselves doing other big events for other big names. For an example I remember when I was young I watch the Apprentice one of the team had to put together a golf tournament. They had a vision on what they wanted and planning wise. That’s what I want to show in this show. Some young person might have a dream or vision they want to use but don’t have the right tools to get where they want to be but having this reality show will show them the actual reality of starting their career, dream, and finish school to get that degree to be successful.  The show is basically going to show the success of creative young people and how they work as a team pursues their accomplishments to make their team very fortunate. 

Final Paper

Supreme Team Reality Show
Marcus Setzer
Dr. Kristen Mirrir
Final Paper
December 15, 2011

      The title of the program is Supreme Team Reality Show. It’s basically five young black African American with different nationalities that go to school, throw events, and also work to maintain money in their pockets. They do big live events such as fashion shows, concerts, and etc.  Just to have money in their pockets so they want depend on their parents or anyone else for money. As we all know we need to money to live our lives and go out etc to start pursuing a career for the real world.  The concept of the show is to show an example an establishment of young people responsibility of life and start to set their goals at a young age.  It shows how students can maintain school, throw events, work, and don’t let it affect with school. Basically the whole meaning of the shows concept is to show people you can get your degree and work too.
  The show also shows the life of each of the members and what their life consist of. For example what else they do besides go to school and throw good events. To throw these events you have to have money but most of them have jobs or gambles on the side. We will discuss that in some of the episodes and the life they life to maintain money. You will also see how much work it takes to plan these events and put things together.  You will see negative and positive aspects of the events. For example money wise. Usually some event coordinators will take a big lost if they don’t make their profit back and you will see that in some of the episodes as I explain later in the paper what the show consist of and describe to you what actually happens.
  For the program and show to be launch we would have to promote ourselves. Go on talk shows, host parties, appear on award shows, and other events such as concerts, charity events, walking in breast cancers walks, doing a lot of advertising in newspapers, magazines, and radio shows.  Make appearances on different college campus, do a big tour, spread the show on social networks, and etc. The theme of the show will be base on real life events, comedy, dreams being fulfilled, and reality base on what you can do to pursue your career. This show won’t be boring at all. It will consist of creativeness, excitement, and show you how you can have fun and be serious too.
        The actually show will be consist on like I said before in the beginning of the paper that it will be five African American, that are mix with different nationalities & ethnicities, that are in college, work, throw parties on the side to make actually money, and what they life consist of on a daily basis. The show will have at least 5 episodes just to see how the show builds up from its viewers. The show will show the struggle, the dedication, hard work, responsibilities, perseverance, loyalty, and etc. Also it will gives examples of how young man can be successful in life and what the daily life is. As you see people have different routines on how they go to school, do work, and plan events & actually put them together. 5.)
     You will see on the show how they aren’t just a team but they are one family. You will see some arguing because one of the members is a rookie and the CEO gets on him a lot about the things that he do and how he doesn’t actually want him on the team but the other members see a lot of potential in him. The CEO starts to be a little lean it towards him because of one of the characters that bring him into the group. Also there will be a part where you see how all the members were before they all met and how one person put together a fantastic team together and that enjoys the work that they are doing. The show also takes place in the state of New Jersey & New York.
  In the show you will see how much time they spent together with each other on different outings and how they aren’t just a team but also a brother hood too. That aren’t willing to make it base on the success they get not just as a group but as individuals too. You will see how the group co exist with each other families, how they meet each other families, and etc. There will be parties’ scenes you see and what type of parties they throw, what type of charity events, and other things too. Throughout the show you will see how they help out each other and especially  one of the youngsters that is a rookie to the team and explain to him what they are trying to actually do. You will see the younger person learn but then also start to do is own little thing on the side with throwing parties but with other event coordinators that are being successful in the business and how he grows to be really talented on what he is doing.
   It also shows how the CEO of the team is the first to graduate from college and then starts to do his own thing but still put together things for the team. As you know we will all look out for each other besides ourselves. You will see how one of the members playing poker just to make extra money on the side because he doesn’t have a job and basically that’s job besides event coordination with the team. Then you will also see how some of the members start to get other crafts just to try to save up for the team and have a budget for example the younger person learns how to deejay, another member group learns how to take pictures, learns how to do web design, and put together the website for the team. You will also see some of the anniversary events they put together. Then also in the show some of the members will take a few vacations and visit other states and cities just to expand their cliental; get more connects. The format and genre will be with comedy, drama, and also reality to show what it real takes to be successful.
   For the first episode you will see the background and the beginning of the stages how the team is form; they become SUPREME TEAM COOPOERATION. Also how they start their college career and how they start to get full and part time jobs for their own self. They have no clue about the team yet and they haven’t met each other yet. Only two know each other because they went to high school together and were two years apart before graduating. Another two know each other before even the team was form from childhood. So as right now just the background and the underground of the show; the team is form.
   Second episode will take place in Newark NJ at NJIT University. Where it all belongs at before everyone come together and forms this dynamic team. It will show how and when they became friends and started to form that bond. As it continues on as the CEO that starts to form his team and begins his progress to form his brotherhood & who he can trust; giving ideas and vision on what he wants to start. You will also get inside scoop on the ideas they have plan and their whole take on the opportunity of starting this little business they want to do. The show will also have contained an interview with all the team members and give a take on the brother hood they will begin.
  Third episode as the team is form you will see their first actually event of the Supreme Team Era and how it all started. The different ideas they used and what they did to get their client till up. Then on top of that how they begin to build future connects in New York also too. Just show the beginning of the team on the third episode. Then you will see how the team is form and see how the fifth member is recruited to the brotherhood/ team.
   Fourth episode will be base on the fifth member graduating from high school and started to get the hang of the team. He is basically the young one out of the group, starts to learn the ropes around the team, and the foundation they are trying to build. You will see in the episode how the CEO is kind of a little bit not into the whole thing of the new comer but some of the members think it will be a key condition of the team. Then you will see the day to day base and what they consist of. Then you will see how they try to stay consisted on planning different events and trying to establish a real business in the industry of event coordination.
  Fifth and final episode will continue on with the new comer leaving the team for a while and goes away to out of state school but still wants to stay home for a particular reason. Also there will be a part in the show that the new comer of the team and his friend that he is cool with they get into a few debates about a female in particular that the new comer has much love for and want s to be with. Usually in the show you will see the new comer goes to his friend that’s in the show for advice about certain things that take place in his life and he needs help with. The friend always helps him and gives him good advice but sometimes the newcomer always tries to prove him wrong about certain situations.
     The reason why show would be successful because there will be a positive and negative about the show. I will state some reason for my pros and my cons. One pros is my show will get you ready for the real world and give you idea of the business side and how you make your clients happy so will continue coming to your events; supporting what you are trying to accomplish. Another pro it’s educational but with educational comes fun with it. You will have some positive and negative tips of the business side of entertainment. Cons about the show not everyone entertain with education but it just won’t consist of education but the entertainment will come in the show.
  In some of my research I have looked up some reality shows that don’t have the concept that I’m trying to put forwarded out there. The apprentice has some examples of basically function a team and doing events putting together certain things for a special occasion. In that show you have teams facing against each other seeing who will do a better job than the other team. Your team loses then you are in the board room and someone is getting fired. A quote from Donald Trump book in his biography is saying "I mean, there's no arguing. There is no anything. There is no beating around the bush. "You're fired" is a very strong term." Donald Trump
   My show won’t consist of you getting fired but basically my show will show the same thing that is in Donald Trump show but in his show it has to do with marketing and real estate. The show I will show be on how you start the next phase after you graduate high school. Then proceed to starting your young adult on your own and finding a business partner or partners that you see yourself working with for a number of years. Apprentice you can learn different things from that show from finance and how you begin your foundation of business to make yourself into cooperation if you think that’s your vision.
  Also the show will have well minded young men that have a vision and see themselves doing other big events for other big names. For an example I remember when I was young I watch the Apprentice one of the team had to put together a golf tournament. They had a vision on what they wanted and planning wise. That’s what I want to show in this show. Some young person might have a dream or vision they want to use but don’t have the right tools to get where they want to be but having this reality show will show them the actual reality of starting their career, dream, and finish school to get that degree to be successful.  The show is basically going to show the success of creative young people and how they work as a team pursues their accomplishments to make their team very fortunate. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chapter 5&6

 Chapter 5 Review Questions
1.)   True or False. The contemporary term, appropriately enough is “reality.”  T
2.)   True or False. Does “Documentary” carries “too many assumptions and idealizations.
3.)   What are two concepts of a real television family?  A. Genre and Family B. Family and Podcast  C. TV and Audio  A.
4.)   True or False Ozzy Osbourne is colloquially know as the prince of darkness. T
5.)   What’s reality TV?